Scourge of James River Park: PSA Aims to Limit Litter

July 24, 2015 · 0 minute read

I got an email from Max Posner, local stud whitewater paddler and VP of the James River Outdoor Coalition, yesterday with the above video attached. JROC put it together, Posner said, “because we’ve noticed, along with park staff, that much trash is being left in the park this summer.”

So he put together a short video PSA from Nathan on the importance of taking your trash out of the park.

“We are trying to get this message out to the residents of Richmond in an effort to spread the word about keeping the park clean,” he said.
Anyone think a park stockade for convicted litterers is a sweet idea? Maybe in the middle of Belle Isle. A night in the blocks sounds about right for someone who can’t be bothered to pick up a bottle they brought in to the park.