Rocking Pocoshock Creek

Maybe you’ve been out walking your dog in Forest Hill Park just after a heavy rain and seen the crazy kayakers who paddle the swollen beast that is Reedy Creek. If you hadn’t laid your own two eyes on it, you wouldn’t have believed it. How is it possible that the boulder strewn crik is actually runnable? Are who are those dudes running it?

Well, they’re dudes like Ben Moore and Hunter Davis, and it turns out Reedy isn’t the only place to creek boat in the Richmond area. Sure, it’s not the mountains, but as you can see in the above video, Pocoshock Creek near where it enters the Falling Creek Reservoir is a fun drop in its own right.

Moore on his paddleboard on Reedy Creek after Hurricane Sandy blew through.

Moore on his paddleboard on Reedy Creek after Hurricane Sandy blew through.

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