RideKore video content on the horizon

One of the most exciting aspects of building this website into the premiere outdoor recreation platform for Central Virginians, has been forming partnerships with other groups in Richmond’s outdoors community. Our relationship with RideKore is a good example of what I mean.

Dave Kern in Forest Hill Park.

Dave Kern in Forest Hill Park.

Dave Kern, who was just featured on the front of the Times-Dispatch for his and his wife’s work at Deep Run High School, and Ryan Thompson started RideKore to offer mountain bike skills instruction to Central Virginians of all ages. They’re great guys and great riders, with a passion for what they do. And starting in January, they’ll be doing a lot more for RichmondOutside.com.

In addition to resuming their monthly MTB-related column here, the RideKore guys will be producing short (15-30 second) video clips highlighting different sections of trail. So, for instance, when you click on the Mountain Biking Activity page, not only will you see where Buttermilk Trail goes, you’ll see 6-10 short videos shot by the RideKore guys of sections of Buttermilk. Same for Northbank, Forest Hill Park, etc. The goal is that when our readers click on a Activity or a Destination, they’re doing more than just learning about it. They’re experiencing it. At the bottom of this post you’ll find a video of them rocking Forest Hill Park.

Kern and Thompson will start with the Dogwood Dell loop in January and go from there. We’re excited to have them on board. Starting in February, local paddlers Hunter Davis and Ben Moore will be creating similar video content for every rapid in the Falls of the James. Pretty sweet, right?


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