Take the “Envision the James” survey

June 14, 2012 · 0 minute read
Not too long ago, I wrote a column in the T-D about a project the James River Association is embarking on with The Chesapeake Conservancy and National Geographic Maps called Envision the James.

As the JRA says, “Envision the James is a multi-year, collaborative project that seeks to engage communities and individuals around the James River in creating a common vision for the river to benefit present and future generations. As this initiative is community-based, it relies on feedback and suggestions from interested residents, organizations and communities.”

The JRA wants to get as many people as possible who live in the James watershed to fill out a survey “regarding recreational access, heritage tourism, wildlife, and habitat conservation and restoration.” Just click this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/EnvisionTheJamesSurvey