Another piece in RVA’s riverfront puzzle

July 9, 2012 · 0 minute read

The T-D’s Mike Martz has a front page piece today on a deal the city struck with Lehigh Cement to “acquire a key riverfront property that would improve public access to the James and also allow the city to complete its portion of the Virginia Capital Trail in advance of the world cycling championships coming here in 2015.”

Under the agreement, the city will complete the $2 million purchase in February and then lease the property back to Lehigh Cement for two years.

Writes Martz: After Lehigh vacates the property in February 2015, the land will become city-owned open space along the James. “The whole purpose of acquiring the property is to provide public access to the river and to accommodate the Capital Trail,” said Jane Ferrara, deputy director of economic and community development.

There are many pieces to the riverfront development puzzle, but it’s good news every time one is put into place.