The Times-Dispatch’s Vanessa Remmers has an update today on a story we posted about last month. Chesterfield County is proposing to lease a portion — about 1.26 acres — of Larus Park, a Richmond park near the intersection of Huguenot and Buford roads, to build a water pumping station that would increase the county’s water supply. Chesterfield’s Board of Supervisors has already approved the project. It is scheduled to go before Richmond’s land-use committee Tuesday at 1 p.m.
A stream in Richmond’s Larus Park. Credit: Leonard Adkins
Some residents near the park oppose the plan on legal grounds, arguing, writes Remmers, that “city code states in part that Larus Park cannot be leased for anything that would result in development of the public parkland…Opponents have also questioned whether the deed that transferred the land to the city allowed for such a proposal.”
City attorney Allen Jackson responded to those questions in an opinion to City Council members. Click here to read the T-D piece.