Green Spaces Competition for Mayo Island

January 17, 2012 · 1 minute read

The 2012 Green Spaces Design Competition: “Breaking Away,” addresses Richmond’s Mayo Island and 14th Street Bridge, which serve as both significant transitions and destinations. Using Richmond’s recent win to host the 2015 Road World Championship cycling races, competition entrants are asked to propose economically, culturally and environmentally responsible tourism and recreation-based solutions for Mayo Island that critically examine the lasting impact of the 2015 World Cycling Championships and the role Mayo Island plays in Richmond’s past, present and future.

These races are expected to bring nearly 500,000 visitors and an estimated $135 million in revenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia. As seen in other host-cities, large scale events can lead to disposable buildings and post-event dead zones in the urban environment. How can Mayo Island capitalize on the existing success of the James River Park System trails, adjacency to Richmond’s urban centers, and the revenue and attendance from the 2015 Road World Championships to create an accessible, recreational and sustainable space for Richmonders and visitors?

See the James River Green Building Council for full details


1/13/12 Kick-Off Event – Competition Opens!
3/09/12 Registration Deadline
4/13/12 Entries Due – Competition Closes
late April 2012 (TBD) Teams notified of jury results
May 2012 (TBD) Community Forum
(TBD) Gallery Exhibit