It’s Simple: Take this Survey, Help Protect the James

July 27, 2018 · 0 minute read

Our friends at the James River Association are working constantly to connect people of all ages to the James and its tributaries, so we can all realize the benefits that a healthy river has to offer. At the same time, they’re also looking toward the future.

To that end, the JRA is developing a 10-year strategic plan to chart a course for the organization and plan the best way forward toward restoring the James to full health. They’ll be working with a local marketing firm to gain insight into current perceptions of the organization, as well as potential challenges and opportunities. As a part of this process, they’re asking community members and river lovers to take five minutes to give them your thoughts on the organization by completing this short survey.

All comments are anonymous and will be held in the strictest confidence. If you love the river, take the time to help out an organization that does so much for one of our most treasured resources.